ninelinesbet logo Nine Lines Of Magic betting system

The system for the betting Nine Lines Of Magic is one of the most useful system for the bettors. Betting system is made for the four matches (games). To every match you should give three different bet that you think will go. The system has nine multiple bet tickets (Round Robin 3 and 4 of 4 (3,4/4)) making a total of 45 combinations (9x5).

The idea is that you will hit for each match at least one bet. In this case, the system guarantee at least one winning ticket with 3 parlay (100%) and 14% for 4 parlay.

And it often happens to hit more bets per game, so it increases the number of winning combination, for example 4 combinations with 3 parlay + 1 combination with 4 parlay.

My recommendation is that you can try with 1, handicap 1 and 2:1 correct score, as showen in the picture below, you can try any other combination of the bet lines.

Nine Lines Of Magic betting system Example

System Nine Lines Of Magic.

In the first field (green) enter a team, and in other three fields, plays that you want to bet. By clicking "Send" you will write the system.

SYSTEM Nine Lines Of Magic

Tiket 1:
Tiket 2:
Tiket 3:
Tiket 4:

Tiket 5:
Tiket 6:
Tiket 7:
Tiket 8:
Tiket 9: